Gergő Bendegúz Cseh
The survival Network
Report on the Budapest meeting of the Secret Service Archives

Csongor Jánosi
Translyvanian Hungarian dissent in the 1980s
Forms of expression: samizdat, individual attitude, underground scientific circle

Eszter Kovács
Informal operation, formal presence
The functioning of the Art Camp of Friendship in Gyergyószárhegy,in the Ceauşescu era (1974–1989)

Gábor Danyi
Civil rights activist, Centaur or the Thief of Baghdad?
The identity of György Krassó and the functioning of his samizdat publishing house between 1982 and 1985

Attila Novák
The single majority
The Salom Peace Group or Jewish opposition voice at the end of the Kádár regime in Hungary

Béla Nóvé
West meets East
The European Cultural Forum and Counter-Forum of Budapest in 1985

Dorottya Szénási
Regime criticism as a form of resistance
Social resistance or social support behind critics of the (Kádár) regime

Bogusław Wójcik
Keston College (1969–1989) and the evaluation of its activities by the Polish communist intelligence